Meeting Minutes
2023 Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes for Loop Road Neighborworx
July 29th 2023
9:00 am
Location: Lot to the right of Boatramp #145 as there was more shade there
Meeting called to order at 9:13 by presiding president – Nadine Terpstra
Addressed members reminding them that only members in good standing have voting privileges.
Announcement of Joe Forlano resignation and appointing Nadine Terpstra as acting president per Bylaws.
Article 3: Minutes from meeting 2022 accepted and approved with no discussion. Motion Cathy Vichill and Rich Grenier
Article 4: Accepted and approved typo corrections of Bylaws that were mailed and provided at meeting with no discussion. Motion Dan Rutherford Larry Jones
Article 5: Use of email and website as means of communication.
Cathy Vichill thanked Nadine and Ron for hours of work. Clarified that all forms/proxy-absentee
ballots/announcements, Bylaws, Boatramp, Budget etc would be available.
Dues and meeting would be paperless
Dan and Diana Rutherford supported stating “Great Idea”. Nadine reassured members there was still option to be mailed. Reminded members to provde email on form provided at meeting.
Ron explained website design and stated it is near completion sharing website Dan Rutherford made motion. 2nd by Darlene Normad
Article 6: Budget for 2024 – Details presented by Chris Swan (Treasurer). Reported some unpaid dues which was probably result of no bill notices sent by previous Administraion. Reports increase in money collected for boat ramp use for last summer and this summer. Currently have $9,810 and no increase in annual dues. All insurance and state filing is currently up to date. Reiterated the $1,000 in budget for mailing, etc will most likely go down with electronic correspondence. Motion to accept budget by Cathy Vichill and 2nd by Susan Murdoch.
Article 7: Vote to increase boat ramp fee to $25.00 for non-residents of Loop Road. Motion by Dianna Rutherford and 2nd by Larry Jones
Article 8: Nadine opened explaining boat ramp lock box/code/key to eliminate who has key (requiring ramp neighbors to be home/available to unlock and collect money. There was much discussion -Nadine explained code and reassured availability with a simple text. Also said camera would be mounted. Kim Furbush stated she wanted her “own key”. Judy Webber stated concern of boats not being monitored for milfoil. Cathy Vichill and Dan Rutherford felt that was unrealistic to expect someone to sit at ramp. Most boats going in live on pond and this is the only pond it goes in. Cathy said concern is boats from renters or public that go from one water to another, supporting lock box to prevent non residents from passage. Cathy made a motion to support lockbox and camera. Fallon voiced concern of camera’s seeing people using the beach/privacy concern. Nadine commented that the camera will be viewing the box. Mark LeFrenier voiced concern of waiting for code. Nadine reassured available by text. Kim Furbush again stated she wanted key available to her and tried to make a motion. Cathy already had motion on the floor and vote required. The vote was 11 – 7 in favor of box and camera. Cathy made motion and Susan Murdock 2nd.
Ron Terpstra looked up rentals available on Loon Pond and it revealed access to Loon Pond boat ramp for $10.00. He will contact rental agents and clarify our bylaws
Article 9: Remove past board members from checking account. Motion by Dale Hart and 2nd by Ron Terpstra
Article 10: Board Members – Elect
Road Commissioner – Ron Terpstra; motion by Cathy Vichill and 2nd Susan Murdoch
Secretary – Cathy Vichill; motion by Nadine Terpstra and 2nd Dan Rutherford
Treasurer – Chris Swan; motion by Nadine Terpstra and 2nd by Dianna Rutherford
Vice President – Judy Webber; motion by Susan Merdoch and 2nd by Bev Pucci
President – Nadine Terpstra; motion by Cathy Vichill and 2nd by Dianna Rotherford
New Business
Presented by:
Dan Rutherford- “Big” hole in the road at paved area near 181 Loop Road
Judy Webber - Richard Road needs attention – stated grading has not been done
Cathy Vichill- Boat ramp needs attention – Erosion and draining into Terpstra property.
Chris Swan said he would check to see if we paid for Richard Road.
Nadine Terpstra said she would look into and follow up with road commissioner to see what could be done on all matters.
Discussion continued – dogs/lieashes/waste and friendly reminder to be considerate as not a road association matter.
No other business.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 am