Welcome to Loon Pond

Current elected board members:

Board members are nominated and voted on at the annual meeting for a one year term. 

If unable to attend annual meeting in person and you wish to be nominated email the position interested in to the email below.  

To cast an absentee vote request a ballot from the email below.

General email address: looproadneighborworx@gmail.com

Boat Ramp

Access to the private boat ramp is available to the current members in good standing of loop road as part of their dues.

During the annual meeting the access fee value for loon pond residences with confirmed property on the pond is determined.

The 2024 access fee was established at $25.00 per launch. 

Use of the ramp by temporary renters is prohibited per the Road Association By-laws - article 16

The purpose for not allowing temporary access to the pond is for protection from invasive water species.