1.) The association shall operate pursuant to Maine state law statutes Title 23 (3101-3106) with the exception of those articles intentionally and specifically noted in these bylaws.
2.) The name of this association shall be “LOOP ROAD NEIGHBORWORX”.
3.) The purpose shall be the year-round maintenance of the private road and boat ramp known as Loop Road as well as Richards Road. Loop Road Neighborworx statutory Road Association is non-voluntary members of this association and identified by land owners with properties on/or accessed by passing over any portion of Loop Road as designated by the map attached and the bylaws.
4.) The association shall hold an annual meeting on the third Saturday in the month of June annually. Notification of the annual meeting will be posted at both ends of Loop Road 30 days before the meeting (or in the event of a date change determined by Board in unforeseen circumstances). Notification to members may also be mailed, emailed or given in hand as an alternative to provide notice within 30 days.
Note: It is the members responsibility to provide the board members of this Association their current and updated contact information.
5.) Annual membership bills shall be paid on or before August 1 of the year due. Annual dues are assessed on properties with a habitable dwelling or used parcel whether occupied or not. Dues are a flat fee based on the annual budget approved at yearly meeting. Any monies above and beyond the annual budget for that calendar year must be approved by 2/3 vote of its voting members.
6.) “Voting members” in good standing are property owners who are current and have paid dues up to date.
7.) “Non-voting members” are not in good standing, based on unpaid delinquent dues or in arrears. They may attend meetings but will not have voting privileges, boat ramp privileges, nor can they hold an office or position on the board.
8.) Members in arrears as of November 1 of the same calendar year may be subject to late fee charges and/or civil action as defined by Maine law. Special circumstances can be approved by board members.
9.) Bill notices will be sent out electronically to the email address provided before the annual meeting in June. They will also be made available at the annual meeting. If you have not received a bill by July 15th, it is the responsibility of the member to contact a board member of the association.
10.) The address for mailing the dues, proxy or absentee ballots is
Loop Road Neighborworx Association
P.O. Box 732
Springvale, ME 04083
11.) Members shall establish a board of elected officers/executive committee of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer and/or a road commissioner/Treasurer per Maine Statue to perform such duties as the owners authorize. Board members serve for a term of one year. Board members may hold more than one position if there is not a full board of four or more. The board must have at least two members, one being a road commissioner. Vacancies on the board may be filled by the president and/or road commissioner with approval of other board members. This approval is valid only until the next annual meeting and then must be voted on by membership.
12.) Board members are absolved of liability and the membership identifies each officer of Loop Road Neighborworx. The insurance policy is to be paid for by member dues.
13.) Responsibilities of the board: To carry out the purpose of the association as stated by the will of its members.
a. Road Commissioner: Requests bids and quotes for snow plowing, grading and maintenance as needed. Monitors road work and is the primary contact for contractors hired by approval at annual meeting. The Commissioner will obtain proof of contractor’s insurance and get estimates. Examines the road conditions, boat ramp conditions and present issues for resolve to the board and members at the meeting for vote.
b. Treasurer: Maintains accurate record of all business transactions association expenses and dues paid within the association. Prepares annual report to be presented at the meeting. Deposits dues in a timely basis, keeping record of paid and unpaid members. Signs all checks all with either the commissioner or President as two designated signatures are required.
c. Secretary: Keeps minutes and attendance at meetings. Prepares member correspondences in timely manner. Assist board with clerical duties and typing of documents.
d. Vice President: Shall assume the duties of the president in his or her absence in the management of the association.
e. President: Presides at all meetings at which he or she is present. Exercises general supervision of affairs and activities of the association. Obtains insurance for the association pursuant of provisions hereof.
NOTE: The law provides a requirement of an elected Road Commissioner to serve for 12 months. Associations may expand the leadership and have an executive committee.
14.) Proxy and Absentee ballots: If you are unable to attend and wish to vote on a warrant item, please contact a board member to obtain a proxy or absentee ballot. They must be clearly marked on each article and can be mailed, emailed or hand delivered. They must be received 24 hours prior to the meeting to be counted.
15.) Parking: This is a private road encompassed by private properties. Trailers and/or recreational vehicles are not permitted to be parked on the road as it restricts road use. Short term overnight or weekend parking for visitors is permitted roadside if driveway space is not available. Please be considerate of your neighbors. At no time can a vehicle of any kind block the road as emergency vehicles must have an ample space to pass. The road is not open to public use for parking or passage including the boat ramp.
16.) All rights of way and Boat Ramp: Please keep clean and pick up after yourselves. Area is to be kept clear of boats, vehicles, bikes and other items that may restrict its intended use. The association reserves the right to remove items that owners have left behind at owners’ expense if necessary. The boat ramp is reserved for use of members in good standing and is not open to the public or non-paying members other than those with properties owned on Loop Pond and/or agreements made with Betterment Association (per sign posted). The board reserves the right to change the lock if this privilege is found to be abused.
The contents of these Bylaws having been determined by its voting members.